Archive for September, 2008

Protectionism – Gov’t vs. We The People

September 4, 2008

Have you read the U.S. Constitution lately? Do you know whay the provisions are written in the Bill of Rights the way they are? Individual rights were a really big thing 200 years ago. So was protecting the masses from the corrupt few who tend to enslave the meek and make sure you are weak. Did you know that the main reason Japan NEVER even thought of a land invasion of America? They knew we had guns in the home. It’s easy to take over an entire nation when they don’t have personal protection. Do you think we would be insuch a crisis right now if we were allowed to carry guns as promised in the Bill of Rights?

Have you noticed that the more corrupt a government gets the more protection it allows for itself and the more protections it takes away from We The People?

For instance you have the right to keep and bear arms – at all times! There is NO exception to the rule in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

Now look at all the places you are not “allowed” to carry a weapon… think about all the corruption, one sided debate and bad decisions being made in that area of government in the name of government policy and “safety” and look at just whom is being kept safe. Is it the people or the government that is being protected?

You also have the right to remain silent. Have you ever noticed that you are only informed of such a right AFTER a law enforcement officer has gathered enough evidence against you to haul you away?

Did you know a known felon has more rights than an unborn child and a minor? Ask any child that has been confiscated… taken away from their real family against their will – ask the children if anyone asked them what THEY wanted. No the government assumes they know everything, from how to spend your money better than you do, tohow best to raise your own children.

Did you know you have a right to say “NO” to an officer of the law to come into your house if they do not posses a warrant? Even if s/he has “probable cause”. (See the U.S. 7th Ct) The officer at the door has a gun, a bullet proof vest and they have a radio and a lot of buddies they can call – even SWAT. Do you have such protections? Do you have a panic room? Do you have video surveillance to prove your side? Do you think the police will let you keep it?

What do you think would happen if this law enforcement officer were to demand entry and barge into your home anyway under his/her assumption of probable cause without a warrant and you were to defend yourself to the death? Do you honestly think that the other police are going to mention to their buddies on the radio that the law enforcement officer was killed for violating your 4th Amendment rights? Do you think they will use more police the second time around? Will they call SWAT to get you and “put you down” as a cop killer? Who’s rights are more important at this point? Who’s the victim? Will you get a metal for defending your home? Will the officers you kill for violation of your 4th Amendment rights be given a metal for valor?

If you are a freedom loving true American – it makes your blood boil to think that this can happen in America – doesn’t it?

If you’re a liberal or have voted Democrat for most of the last 30 years – you’re part of the problem. You don’t see the problems created for the rest of us… you are no threat to the establishment of Satan’s police state on this earth – so enjoy your life for the next 12 years. Especially that last 3 and a half. I hear that is going to be a huge awakening.