Archive for March, 2009

To Accept a Chip or Not to Accept it?

March 20, 2009

The Drivers License and National I.D. chip is supposed to begin this year by June. Although it has been pushed back several times because of great opposition, it is slated to begin this year. Many do not see the signs of the times. Did you know there is a movement by many government leaders to slip a National ID chip into your drivers license that doubles as a GPS tracking device? Have you thought of the ramifications of such a thing? How about the Bio Chip, have you read about this thing?

You know, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to think about the ramifications to follow if any government agency ever gets the right and responsibility to track your every movement.Sure it would be great to track criminals and place them at the scene of a crime to within 30 feet, but I sense a much more devious motive.

Last week I wrote about the U.S. Constitution and that the power of government to levy a direct tax upon you without consideration of enumeration is expressly prohibited in Article 1 section 9 lines 4 & 5. Yet as with anything, Congress felt they knew how to spend your money better than you do and they passed a law “nullifying” the denial of this power by granting this power to levy a direct tax through an Amendment.

So have you thought about this chip thing? Congress has a way to get into your wallet already, through income tax. What would happen if they hooked up this chip to a super computer and a GPS system? I mean they could feasibly tell you it was for your own protection in case you get kidnapped or lose your passport or whatever the excuse. Funny how the government has devised a method for doing everything for your best interest all the while not telling you what their true intent is? So, here you are with this protection mechanism – a chip in your National ID or a bio chip, right?

Once they connect the dots on you – exactly what is it that will stop them from linking the data system to the Dept. of Transportation and then the judicial database? Imagine, if you are driving down I-5 and go 6 miles over the speed limit just once – purely by accident of course… what then? Might you get a ticket a week later from an automated computer system created to link your data to the police and DOT? How about on a longer trip when you do this several times between Seattle and Portland going down hill? Can you imagine getting a ticket every time your National ID goes over the speed limit for an area? What a gold mine for local and state government!! Now how about this? What if you are on a Metro bus and this happens, or a train?

Have I outlined the purpose of this National I.D. well enough for you? Listen, I’ve been around long enough to see that whenever a government agency says it’s doing something for your own protection? Odds are and history supports this, they are looking at more ways to control you, limit your income generation ability, limit your access to God or to raise money and rob you blind. The government may sugar coat it and tell you it’s for your own good or it will help keep you secure… I don’t know about you, but I feel less guarded any time a lawyer or judge in the position of authority or legislative ability enforces, establishes precedent or makes a law to take away my own ability to make decisions for my own well being, make a living (by increasing taxes without my getting to vote on it), to protect myself and my family (through increasing the powers or budget of C.P.S. or increasing gun control) and tracking terrorists activities with a National I.D. that everyone gets that wants to drive, work or live in this country.

How secure do you feel?

Can You See It? Yes We Can!

March 18, 2009

Is it just me or is there something just not right going on here?

I think, if anything, this recent election does prove that America is still the land of opportunity, nothing wrong with that part of it, but it’s making me a little nervous now, let me explain why…

When I saw Mr. Obama speak on election night, I heard him say: “Contrary to what you may have heard, I was not born in a manger”. Couple that with what Louis Farrakhan told us in October “ The Messiah is absolutely speaking”. Did anyone catch that?

That stunned me right there. As of today I have heard similar quotes from many different sources – do a search using “Messiah Obama” and see for yourself – 3 million hits. So is it just me or are we being programmed for something with this stuff? If you are watchful and diligent at examining the reasons for cause and effect, as we have been commanded to, you should see all the signs we have been taught to be watchful of.

I don’t know about you, but I have been around long enough to see how things work and I mean to tell you – something is happening and you should keep a wary eye on it. Those of us that know how to discern and calculate future events quite accurately by reading and accumulating information from multiple reliable sources – see the coming events. What do you suppose is coming when Henry Kissinger makes the statement on CNBC that Mr. Obama is being groomed to be the leader of the New World Order… if you couple that with the global economic crisis, the Euro, the new currency Amero and the war on terror mixed with religion?

Does any of this sound familiar?

Since I was a youngster I’ve been reading about this time to come. I have been a huge reader of history, mystery, prophecy and wisdom. Understand that not everything I read is fact based and reliable – you have to take some sources as half sensationalism and half make believe. However it does not surprise me to read a tabloid the other day that said military professionals are not accepting Mr. Obama as “Commander and Chief” – President. There is even hushed talk of an assassination within the coming months. Scary stuff? Not if you are a student of prophecy.

My question is: Do you know what time it is? Do you see what is coming? Will there be an assassination attempt and will Mr. Obama survive it? I find it an interesting set of amazing coincidences that June 7, 2009 marks the 42nd anniversary of Israel’s capture and control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. I find it interesting that the Jewish Temple has already been pre-fabricated and that the Levite priests have been practicing the sacrificial ceremonies for the third Temple. I find it interesting that June is the month that the nationwide I.D. chip is to begin in the U.S.. I find it interesting that June also marks three and a half years remaining in the first of what I am sure will be 2 Administrations of Mr. Obama. I find it interesting that the U.S. will have elected Obama President again, a full month ahead of the December 21, 2012 winter solstice. A date which by the way is to usher in the golden age predicted by the I’Ching, the Mayans and many other cultures.

Coincidences? I’m quite curious to know what excuse will be given for the sudden death or disappearance of the believers that keep the watch for these signs? Will there be a meteor? Will there be some catastrophe that the news points to as being so stressful that many people commit suicide and killed themselves and their entire family to make them disappear? What lie will be used to cover up the greatest miracle in our time – The rapture of the church of Jesus Christ?

I figure if it happens it happens. I know it just will. I know there isn’t a thing I can do about it. I’m just curious if it will come before the date of the golden age? Or earlier when no one is really expecting it. June may prove to be an interesting month too eh?


Frosty E Hardison

Short Timers

March 10, 2009

Have you ever worked at a place where there is someone that has been around for what seems forever? Have you been there when they are finishing up that last week and they still want to give it all they’ve got? Or maybe you’ve seen the opposite and they really don’t care what happens to the place after they leave?

I’m one of those short timers. Thing is, I’ve given a lot, probably like you have. Do you feel like a lot of what you have done – didn’t seem to matter? I do care what I leave behind… I know at least one child I will miss a lot because, for whatever reason(s) he had, he left. I’m not going to debate his reasons. Like many teens of this age, he didn’t understand what sacrifices were made for him, why certain rules were established and why when he broke the rules we, as parents, had to do something to make him uncomfortable with doing wrong and encouraged him to do right.

Like most teens of this age, what I think didn’t matter to this young man. It is my greatest hope that each of my kids find happiness, peace of mind and find their way to Jesus Christ soon. Although I know the youngest have, I fear for the oldest as they do not have my lifetime to figure things out for themselves.

Seeing how the Persian alliance is coming together this day with Russia shipping air defense missiles to Iran and China joining in on the Russian partnership – all because Iran wants to continue to enrich their uranium to weapons grade. I know that we as the entire church are at the door as Noah was in his day, sealing the door behind us just as it is beginning to rain. We are that close. The next few weeks will tell the tale. Sometime between May 31, 2009 and 12/21/2012 it will be done. A lot of hubbub is being propagated about the 12/21/2012 date, but all the signs are already here for Jesus to get his church… I find it an interesting coincidence that this year June 7, 2009 marks the 42 anniversary of Israel controlling Jerusalem – That’s 6/7/67 –  a multiple of 6×7. God is a number man too. You ‘ll figure it out.

What I was getting to is that with all the talk of 12/21/2012? Is that it is said that we will not know the day of hour, but it will be suddenly and quite unexpected. So what would happen if the “Jesus bus” had a schedule as far as some of mankind was concerned and the world thought they could muck about just a little while longer before they had to run to catch the bus?  There are many in this world that are relishing in sins today thinking they can just convert just before Jesus comes. What if the bus was a bit earlier than expected?

I think maybe that is the reason for the “Surprise” and the quote Jesus made when he said two shall be walking and suddenly only one shall be walking. I think it will come as a very huge surprise for most – even Christians looking for it to come.

Friends. I do not wantingly leave you behind. I must go for a couple of reasons, last of which is because I found the truth in time. I have tried to share it with you. I have tried to live a life of example. Am I perfect?  OH, NO WAY!  Not close. I am however so grateful to have been given a life, and to have been forgiven by the blood of the lamb.

I read something the other day that said for the willing unbelievers, even if God were to come back today and say – I’m here. Unbelievers would still not believe. So as a sign that believers had the right idea, they are to be taken away before the mess that has been made here gets any worse and before our faith based belief system is starved out by the devils in charge of implanting you with a chip.

I know, it may not make sense now, but it will in a few more weeks.

I love you my lost son. I pray for you to find understanding and wisdom.  Please understand something else Jesus died for your salvation to extend to you an opportunity for a better life after death. Don’t let anything your parents, friends, family or jerks you met in your journey of life prevent you for taking the promise of salvation that Jesus laid up for you. Let Jesus Christ save your soul. Remember if Jesus doesn’t make a difference in your life? The devil and the gods you worship will be forgiving and take you back.

You are loved so much you do not know. Come be with me and give me a second chance to love you one last time before forever takes me away to the unexpected. Jesus Christ promises you a second chance at a better life. All you need do is ask it of him – not me.

Frosty E Hardison

The REAL Reason for Gun Control

March 9, 2009

To control Guns or not to control guns? Today is a basic History lesson. I am going to ask and interject a lot of “What ifs” to you. Do you know what rights are granted and protected under the Constitution? Were you even taught those in school? Did you know there is no law separating church from state? There is a law stating that the church cannot tell the government what to do… but no where is it written that God is to be kicked out of schools or that Christ should not be the center of our daily lives. This is one of the great lies being fed to you from an ever increasing oligarchy government.

What is an oligarchy? It’s a separation of classes thing, where all of the power of government is held by a select few. A select few by the way that you do not get to pick, choose or for that matter become a member of. Wake up! It’s here, more and more governmental powers are being taken from you as you sleep.

How about your right to bear weapons? Where does that end? If the right to bear arms was a formal declaration that entitled the common citizen the ability to withstand lawlessness and government interference in his/her own home, shouldn’t a common man have access and rights to the same if not better weapons than those that will be used upon and against him by an aggressive and hostile police state? Of course they should. Do the lawyers and the judges want you to be able to resist their power? Of course not. So now you’re stuck aren’t you? By the way, have you noticed your ability to protect yourself and your family has slowly been eroded away to “Protect you” or for “Your best interest”. Do you buy that? If you do, you deserve to have your weapons taken away. Have you noticed that there are more stores with their own security guards? Have you noticed that the courts revolving door policy and feel good “misunderstood criminal” mind set has made justice a mockery? Isn’t it amazing that people charged with committing crimes have more rights than the victims?

Truth of the matter is, your guns are being taken away to control you and protect police officers, court clerks, judges and on up the latter to Congress. Have you ever noticed how cocky law enforcement officers are? Do you see them acting in your best interests? Do you think there would be a need for the added security in stores if they were? They can’t even prevent a stalker from killing his target. I see them acting just like everyone else, they are after all human beings in bullet proof vests. Have you seen the movies “Unlawful Entry”; “Lakeview Terrace” or how about “Eagle Eye”? These movies should scare the snot out of you. Let me ask you, do you think for a minute that law makers, judges, police, stalkers, robbers, thieves, rapists, sexual predators and even Congress would treat you like sheep if you had a side arm or two strapped to your leg like John Wayne? Do you think a police officer would respect your rights and opinions more if they knew you also had a gun and a bullet proof vest on?

Understand something. I am not against the police for protecting and serving. I am against the totalitarinism mentality that because they have the gun and are granted authority by another authority to use it, they are the all knowing authority on anything. After all, isn’t it the power of the people that grants such authority? It is in this Republic. While we are on the subject of Republic, people should be educated as to what type of governments are what. We are a Republic not a Democracy. We may, as a country be acting more like a Democracy as that is the result of more and more select groups of people masterminding power grabs and just how Rome fell, but this nation was founded as a Republic. just thought you should know.

Let me change focus a bit. What would happen if America were to be invaded today? Did you know it was one of Japan’s greatest fears in World War 2, to think of invading America? I know there was a time when people understood that gun ownership meant not only self protection but also meant that no foreign or domestic government would get too big for it’s britches. Maybe that is why our founding fathers put it to paper in the Constitution? Do you think that politicians might give their actions a second thought if they knew a sniper could change their public policy really fast? They sure as hell can’t be impeached or replaced as easily as some should be.

I don’t know how much exposure you have had to law enforcement. We have had a long run of vandalism and theft in our neighborhood for years. The police have even thought it fitting to take our kids away when our 21 year old daughter was home and we were not at home – without a warrant by the way – all because of a bunch of lies being spread by school teachers and students at my son’s elementary. Dealing with many of these officers is like trying to change water to wine… it is an act of God to get them to do anything. They say their hands are tied on what to do, but don’t take the law into your own hands. What, so you want that I should sit here and take this abuse? Over my dead body and from my cold dead hands!

In a Constitutional governmental Republic like we had originally set up to govern this land, there were checks and balances put into place. Do you know what they were? There were three branches of government set up to make sure that each of the other branches behaved themselves. If the government was not doing its job there was always the right of the people to assemble, raise arms and a militia to cause action to be taken. Shortly after it became accepted that law enforcement officers could mandate guns be taken away from gun owners entering the city, (see Tombstone) everything began to change. Then by about 1870 the Republic began to fall apart and move toward an oligarchy whereby a few people have all the power of government instead of the power remaining in the hands of WE the PEOPLE.

In that time after it became acceptable for guns to be outlawed in town, slowly through large business lobbies, the servitude of the working masses and controlling their paychecks and then making mandates for education (see Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto), big business and handfuls of lawmakers took away the greatness that was freedon in America. Education became more about how to work and get a job rather than learning a trade as an apprntice and working for yourself. Senators were being bought off by big business lobbyists so bad that public outcry for action brought about the law that Senators were to be elected by the people instead of by the House of Representatives. Did anything really change? Weren’t the same corrupt Senators re-elected into place? There is something to be said of name recognition.

Let me ask you: in a gun owning society, do you think the government would ever dream of snatching your kids away from you? Would they think for a second that C.P.S. could raise your kids better than you? Think about it. What would happen to the police, the judges and law makers passing laws to take your kids? Do you think maybe there would be a bit of attrition in the police force? Do you think that maybe a few judges would die of lead poisoning? Perhaps a few law makers would meet their end as well? Have you noticed that more of your rights have been slowly taken away over the years? Did you ever do some research and see that it began right after it became acceptable for law enforcement to insist that you take off your guns when you enter town? Ever heard of the O.K. Corral? Today to get around the legal issue of gun ownership – it’s ok to own a gun, it’s just illegal for you to fire it. Is that stupid? Why would our founding fathers protect our rights to gun ownership only to have them not be allowed to be fired?

What if your neighbor was a drug dealer and the police show up at your door by mistake? What if you told them they have the wrong house, and they didn’t believe you? What if you told them to go away because they didn’t even have a warrant? Do you think they would go away? What if they didn’t have a warrant, busted your door down and you defended yourself by shooting them? Would you be guilty as far as the police are concerned and shot instantly? Would you be killed and would the media spin the truth saying you should have opened the door? Would the rules of unlawful search and seizure ever come up? Would “probable cause” be the excuse to violate your Constitutional Rights? Even the courts say probable cause isn’t enough. Do you know that? My 22 year old daughter didn’t know it either. They don’t teach this ion school – that’s why they are dumbing you down. The less you know the easier you are to control. Would the media say that you shouldn’t have owned a gun? Probably. Would the media say that you broke the law by firing a weapon within the city limits? What is the second amendment for, if law enforcement can do whatever they want?

How about a more sinister power grab? Did you know it is illegal for the government to tax your personal income? Did you know it is a formally denied act under Article 1 Sec. 9 lines 4 & 5 of powers denied the government? Yet here we are nearly 100 years later and Congress is still conveniently passing laws and paper to buy votes, sign spending bills we will never pay back and making certain your kids will never learn of these things because they see the need to teach multi-culturalism before we teach, reading, math, truth, justice and the American History that made this nation great.

I see tough times ahead. The more power this government takes, the more common sense individuals, Godly men and women along with intellectuals will begin to revolt. The more people that slip through the mighty fingers of absolute government? The sooner this system will fail and the sooner we can get back on track with another Declaration of Independence!

No matter the means of control used, this government, the more it moves toward oligarchy and evenutually an evil monarchy the more the people will begin to revolt. How do you control that? You implant everyone in your nation with a biochip. The biochip has two settings on or off. If the chip is turned off you don’t buy, sell and ultimately do not eat if you are unable to fend for yourself. You starve to death if you don’t go along with status quo. So suddenly in a very short time period a person with a little power can single you and your family out and have your chip turned off. Can you imagine that happening? Look for it baby – it begins May 2009 with the National ID and the chip that come with it.

Frosty E Hardison