The Fall Out of Obama Care – the Untold Story

By: Frosty E Hardison

The law of inertia says that for every action there is an equal opposite reaction. The same holds true for foolishness – every stupid thing that government does for “good” results in bad for nearly as many if not more folks than it does good for. Case in point:

It looks like the Democrats will mortgage the future of our children even more and add another $2.5 TRILLION in debt spread out to each of us while getting health care passed this week (March 22, 2010).

Here’s a blind side though, how many part time employees working at small mom and pop shops are going to lose their jobs over this? Case in point, Kids, teenagers making minimum wage working at fast food joints… I know of at least 3 kids that will lose their jobs because the businesses they work at are already struggling to make it in this economy. Many are cut back to the bone, employing family members and taking on more hours as owners just to make the rent.

The bad news? The economy is already in the ditch, trying to get out. Just like they did in the great depression, raising taxes now will drive down any hope of recovery. History also shows that every time Congress passes a new tax law, small and medium business takes 6 months to a year to recover. In this already ailing economy, some of these businesses will not recover.

The good news? Well for one, part time employees do not qualify for unemployment benefits so their numbers will never show up on the labor statistics… as out of work Americans they will then be fined $750 for NOT being insured under the newly passed Obama-care health plan… wait, is that good news? Maybe so if you are running for office this year.

Question though… what health care is Congress FORCED to use? Aren’t they exempt from participating in only social security and medicare? No they make the rules for the masses and make their own rules just as easy as they raise their own compensation packages!

God help us.
Frosty E Hardison

Frosty E. Hardison is a graduate of Colorado Technical University with a degree in Business Administration. An MBA honors student with a 3.83 GPA, Frosty is most recognized for standing up against the Al Gore film “An Inconvenient Truth” being shown as a stand alone “science film” in his daughter’s science class in January 2007. Frosty is a Senior Business Analyst for ROI a company specializing in increasing success for small to medium businesses across the nation. He specializes in data research and business analysis as well as work flow/production efficiency – to increase business success/profits. For questions, see his website.

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