Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Is the World on the Brink of World War III?

August 14, 2010

By: Frosty E Hardison

Well, for two years we’ve been talking about it and hearing about it and even passing sanctions over it. I’m talking of course about Iran and their pursuit of nuclear energy. Well, here’s how it’s likely going to go down:

One day quite soon, Israel is going to grow tired of arms passing from Iran, through Syria and into Lebanon and Gaza. One day the last rocket breaking the proverbial camels back and really ticking off the wrong administration in Israel, will lead to an all out war. Israel will grow tired of having their nation bombarded by rockets with no world remorse for it, especially from the UN, who flipped over a ship running the blockade a few weeks ago. Fed up enough to take out the rockets in Lebanon. This in step brings Syria into the fray and missiles from Syria fly into Israel. The new Israeli missile defenses are great but not good enough for 100% protection. One or two missile(s) get(s) through and kills Israeli citizens. Israel issues an ultimatum to Syria – Cease all military actions against Israel or die. Israel begins moving troops to invade Lebanon, Syria launches another barrage of missiles.

Israel nukes Damascus with a huge neutron bomb. Damascus is GONE. 5 million people are vaporized. Key point here, the bomb is a super bomb. Because Israel had to develop their bomb in secret, there were no tests. The bomb yield is much greater than anyone expected. A neutron bomb several kilo-tons larger than 50 Hiroshima bombs. It is so accurate and devastating that the whole world is alarmed by it. Even the most devout Islamic terrorist is shaken by their spirit in fear of this weapon. Iran is in fear too, as Syria, it’s most important pipeline of weapons to Lebanon and Gaza is no longer a functioning nation – state. Iran, who furnished the Syrian missiles, sees how ineffective missiles are against Israel, as Israel seems to be super naturally protected against everything levied against it. Iran, learning from this, in turn launches missiles into the oil rich states not protected so fiercely, those of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai and UAE killing the oil flow to the western world and getting the US, Russia and EU involved at least in some peace negotiations to call off Israel’s “aggression”. Israel will then finish the job they really wanted to with Iran and take out Iran’s known nuclear facilities. I say their known facilities for a reason.

To avoid a larger war, Obama will propose a 7 year peace treaty, one that removes Iran’s influence from Gaza and Lebanon – not hard because the middle man Syria is virtually no longer an acting nation. Somehow this peace includes a deal with the Muslim world somehow granting Israel the ability to build their Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Must be because Iran is the strongest and most radical of Muslim countries and HAD the most terrorist influence. With that militant backing gone, with the radical Imams silenced in Iran for the time being and the Iranian people presumably back in control, the world accepts the fact that Israel should be allowed to build their Temple, especially if it is to bring about God’s Holy presence on earth again, which don’t look now, is in the best interest to everyone on the planet – not just these few.

The world will rejoice but Iran will be humiliated in the eyes of the world, just like Germany was after the armistice. In just a few years, Iran will try to pull a Germany and regain their honor and glory through war again. This time they will have nukes because not all their facilities are known and were not destroyed or not totally destroyed.

Just food for thought.

The Fall Out of Obama Care – the Untold Story

March 23, 2010

By: Frosty E Hardison

The law of inertia says that for every action there is an equal opposite reaction. The same holds true for foolishness – every stupid thing that government does for “good” results in bad for nearly as many if not more folks than it does good for. Case in point:

It looks like the Democrats will mortgage the future of our children even more and add another $2.5 TRILLION in debt spread out to each of us while getting health care passed this week (March 22, 2010).

Here’s a blind side though, how many part time employees working at small mom and pop shops are going to lose their jobs over this? Case in point, Kids, teenagers making minimum wage working at fast food joints… I know of at least 3 kids that will lose their jobs because the businesses they work at are already struggling to make it in this economy. Many are cut back to the bone, employing family members and taking on more hours as owners just to make the rent.

The bad news? The economy is already in the ditch, trying to get out. Just like they did in the great depression, raising taxes now will drive down any hope of recovery. History also shows that every time Congress passes a new tax law, small and medium business takes 6 months to a year to recover. In this already ailing economy, some of these businesses will not recover.

The good news? Well for one, part time employees do not qualify for unemployment benefits so their numbers will never show up on the labor statistics… as out of work Americans they will then be fined $750 for NOT being insured under the newly passed Obama-care health plan… wait, is that good news? Maybe so if you are running for office this year.

Question though… what health care is Congress FORCED to use? Aren’t they exempt from participating in only social security and medicare? No they make the rules for the masses and make their own rules just as easy as they raise their own compensation packages!

God help us.
Frosty E Hardison

Frosty E. Hardison is a graduate of Colorado Technical University with a degree in Business Administration. An MBA honors student with a 3.83 GPA, Frosty is most recognized for standing up against the Al Gore film “An Inconvenient Truth” being shown as a stand alone “science film” in his daughter’s science class in January 2007. Frosty is a Senior Business Analyst for ROI a company specializing in increasing success for small to medium businesses across the nation. He specializes in data research and business analysis as well as work flow/production efficiency – to increase business success/profits. For questions, see his website.

To Accept a Chip or Not to Accept it?

March 20, 2009

The Drivers License and National I.D. chip is supposed to begin this year by June. Although it has been pushed back several times because of great opposition, it is slated to begin this year. Many do not see the signs of the times. Did you know there is a movement by many government leaders to slip a National ID chip into your drivers license that doubles as a GPS tracking device? Have you thought of the ramifications of such a thing? How about the Bio Chip, have you read about this thing?

You know, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to think about the ramifications to follow if any government agency ever gets the right and responsibility to track your every movement.Sure it would be great to track criminals and place them at the scene of a crime to within 30 feet, but I sense a much more devious motive.

Last week I wrote about the U.S. Constitution and that the power of government to levy a direct tax upon you without consideration of enumeration is expressly prohibited in Article 1 section 9 lines 4 & 5. Yet as with anything, Congress felt they knew how to spend your money better than you do and they passed a law “nullifying” the denial of this power by granting this power to levy a direct tax through an Amendment.

So have you thought about this chip thing? Congress has a way to get into your wallet already, through income tax. What would happen if they hooked up this chip to a super computer and a GPS system? I mean they could feasibly tell you it was for your own protection in case you get kidnapped or lose your passport or whatever the excuse. Funny how the government has devised a method for doing everything for your best interest all the while not telling you what their true intent is? So, here you are with this protection mechanism – a chip in your National ID or a bio chip, right?

Once they connect the dots on you – exactly what is it that will stop them from linking the data system to the Dept. of Transportation and then the judicial database? Imagine, if you are driving down I-5 and go 6 miles over the speed limit just once – purely by accident of course… what then? Might you get a ticket a week later from an automated computer system created to link your data to the police and DOT? How about on a longer trip when you do this several times between Seattle and Portland going down hill? Can you imagine getting a ticket every time your National ID goes over the speed limit for an area? What a gold mine for local and state government!! Now how about this? What if you are on a Metro bus and this happens, or a train?

Have I outlined the purpose of this National I.D. well enough for you? Listen, I’ve been around long enough to see that whenever a government agency says it’s doing something for your own protection? Odds are and history supports this, they are looking at more ways to control you, limit your income generation ability, limit your access to God or to raise money and rob you blind. The government may sugar coat it and tell you it’s for your own good or it will help keep you secure… I don’t know about you, but I feel less guarded any time a lawyer or judge in the position of authority or legislative ability enforces, establishes precedent or makes a law to take away my own ability to make decisions for my own well being, make a living (by increasing taxes without my getting to vote on it), to protect myself and my family (through increasing the powers or budget of C.P.S. or increasing gun control) and tracking terrorists activities with a National I.D. that everyone gets that wants to drive, work or live in this country.

How secure do you feel?

Short Timers

March 10, 2009

Have you ever worked at a place where there is someone that has been around for what seems forever? Have you been there when they are finishing up that last week and they still want to give it all they’ve got? Or maybe you’ve seen the opposite and they really don’t care what happens to the place after they leave?

I’m one of those short timers. Thing is, I’ve given a lot, probably like you have. Do you feel like a lot of what you have done – didn’t seem to matter? I do care what I leave behind… I know at least one child I will miss a lot because, for whatever reason(s) he had, he left. I’m not going to debate his reasons. Like many teens of this age, he didn’t understand what sacrifices were made for him, why certain rules were established and why when he broke the rules we, as parents, had to do something to make him uncomfortable with doing wrong and encouraged him to do right.

Like most teens of this age, what I think didn’t matter to this young man. It is my greatest hope that each of my kids find happiness, peace of mind and find their way to Jesus Christ soon. Although I know the youngest have, I fear for the oldest as they do not have my lifetime to figure things out for themselves.

Seeing how the Persian alliance is coming together this day with Russia shipping air defense missiles to Iran and China joining in on the Russian partnership – all because Iran wants to continue to enrich their uranium to weapons grade. I know that we as the entire church are at the door as Noah was in his day, sealing the door behind us just as it is beginning to rain. We are that close. The next few weeks will tell the tale. Sometime between May 31, 2009 and 12/21/2012 it will be done. A lot of hubbub is being propagated about the 12/21/2012 date, but all the signs are already here for Jesus to get his church… I find it an interesting coincidence that this year June 7, 2009 marks the 42 anniversary of Israel controlling Jerusalem – That’s 6/7/67 –  a multiple of 6×7. God is a number man too. You ‘ll figure it out.

What I was getting to is that with all the talk of 12/21/2012? Is that it is said that we will not know the day of hour, but it will be suddenly and quite unexpected. So what would happen if the “Jesus bus” had a schedule as far as some of mankind was concerned and the world thought they could muck about just a little while longer before they had to run to catch the bus?  There are many in this world that are relishing in sins today thinking they can just convert just before Jesus comes. What if the bus was a bit earlier than expected?

I think maybe that is the reason for the “Surprise” and the quote Jesus made when he said two shall be walking and suddenly only one shall be walking. I think it will come as a very huge surprise for most – even Christians looking for it to come.

Friends. I do not wantingly leave you behind. I must go for a couple of reasons, last of which is because I found the truth in time. I have tried to share it with you. I have tried to live a life of example. Am I perfect?  OH, NO WAY!  Not close. I am however so grateful to have been given a life, and to have been forgiven by the blood of the lamb.

I read something the other day that said for the willing unbelievers, even if God were to come back today and say – I’m here. Unbelievers would still not believe. So as a sign that believers had the right idea, they are to be taken away before the mess that has been made here gets any worse and before our faith based belief system is starved out by the devils in charge of implanting you with a chip.

I know, it may not make sense now, but it will in a few more weeks.

I love you my lost son. I pray for you to find understanding and wisdom.  Please understand something else Jesus died for your salvation to extend to you an opportunity for a better life after death. Don’t let anything your parents, friends, family or jerks you met in your journey of life prevent you for taking the promise of salvation that Jesus laid up for you. Let Jesus Christ save your soul. Remember if Jesus doesn’t make a difference in your life? The devil and the gods you worship will be forgiving and take you back.

You are loved so much you do not know. Come be with me and give me a second chance to love you one last time before forever takes me away to the unexpected. Jesus Christ promises you a second chance at a better life. All you need do is ask it of him – not me.

Frosty E Hardison