Something evil this way comes…

I share with you a secret. A secret so profound many will not hear or understand its message. History has a way of repeating itself. Heard it before have you? This truth happens on a small scale and on a grand scale all the time. This is a tale of two lands that were established in purity and faith in the one true God. It is a story of the end and fate of one and the potential future of the other, for one cannot exist without the other.

A long time ago in a not so distant land, a king came to power in a nation where God was served. The king married a woman of witchcraft and idolatry, bringing her godlessness, pride, arrogance and unbelief with her into the house of leadership within this nation. The woman bore much influence upon the king and though the king was yielding to the truth – often the only voice in his ear was that of his contemptuous bride who made it her mission to put to death all those whom opposed her religious ways and thinking.

The king’s wife did everything she could to destroy the leaders of the true faith and those with wisdom enough to know she was evil. Where once the land was blessed by God to be prosperous, lush and bountiful; under the leadership of this king and his faithless wife the land was under a curse. There was famine all across the land. The waters of the wells dried up, the rivers ran dry and no rain fell for many years. The God they did not see, hear or believe in – held back the blessings originally measured for this nation. Did this stop the ways of the leadership? Did they starve? Did they miss a meal? No. Only the simple lives of those they ruled were affected. The poor and middle class died of starvation and thirst.

Then one day there came a day of a great showdown when the priests of the Queen, brought their love of idols, witchcraft and the worship of unholy doctrine and false gods to a place where the prophet of the one true God said to meet. The stakes were high – whomever loses the demonstration of calling upon the powers of their god(s) – dies. Of the Queen’s priests – offerings were made, dances exhibited, self mutilations began and chants ranted – but no god did come or present him or herself for them. Then the prophet of the one true God prepared his burnt offering and sacrifice and said to the priests of the false gods: “Pour water on my offering that I may show you just how powerful and real my God is.”

In a flash of supreme power – the offering put forth by the prophet of the one true God disappeared in lightning, fire and smoke. As a result of this supreme demonstration of power the king put to death all of the priests of the false gods.

Flash forward to today. Ahab and Jezebel are running for office of the President of the United States… modern day king and queen of the most powerful nation on earth. They bring with them a tainted view of America, a religious perspective that is foreign to true believers of the One True God and an evil spirit of division and lust for power that will destroy our nation is upon them.

I warn you, if these two come to power – there will be the same punishments upon this land as there were in the days of old. There will be famine. There will be chaos. There will be war as the enemies of this nation will seek to destroy us. There will be a cleansing of this nation. The only people able to feed themselves will be the leadership, the wealthy and perhaps those righteous few left. Even many of the wealthy will find it hard after years of drought to be able to buy food, as there will be no “extra” food available.

In this day and age, the leadership of this nation will employ a police state that will increase in number for the first few years and the food will be taken by force from the wise and righteous who have stored it for times such as these. The righteous through efforts of self preservation will be labeled as “haters” for not being willing enough to share their blessings wisdom, of food and supplies with those foolish enough to have followed those who reject God and have ignored the warnings we have spoken for decades regarding the end times.

Turns out, you reap what you sow in life. After 45 years of questioning the origins of creation, after destroying the foundations of our nation by expelling God from our schools, our civic institutions and betraying the love brought through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ… the nation shall reap what it means to be outside of the grace and favor of the One True God.

Those who brought ruin upon themselves for supporting the ungodly ways of mans laws, by believing the things of this world? These people will continue to blame everyone else for their misfortune before they look inward to their own decisions and thoughtlessness. They will never see their own failure as that of not desiring to be educated in the absolute truth of God’s word. They will not see their own failure of buying the party line, the propaganda of global warming and the increased need of growing taxation to pay for social re-engineering.

If a political party stands for gay marriage…

If a political party stands for aborting the innocent lives of children…

If a political party wishes to remind you of the racial division within this nation…

If a political party wants to erase every reasonable attempt at preserving God as our creator and source of all things good…

That party is aligned itself against God and will be punished.


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